If you don't have a virtualenv with ansible 1.8 installed, you should create one. Let's call this ansible-venv
This takes on my machine:
vagrant up --provision 16.84s user 8.35s system 2% cpu 14:56.98 total
So, about 15minutes.
workon ansible-venv
pip install ansible==1.8.2
workon ansible-venv
pip install con-fu
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p `pwd`/roles
workon ansible-venv
vagrant up --provision
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p `pwd`/roles --ignore-errors
ansible -i ./vagrant_ansible_inventory_default all -m ec2_facts -u vagrant -vvv -c ssh --private-key ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key
ansible-playbook -i ./vagrant_ansible_inventory_default -u vagrant -vvv -c ssh --private-key ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key site.yml
- setup ansbile inside virtualenv and run it from there
- make sure you synced over your folders (TODO: make this part of the play)
- if you use vagrant, destroy the VM, and re-provision it, you have to delete the host file key otherwise ansible can't start