RoboBook is a mock application which was designed to illustrate automation testing.
It is a social network for robots. Robots and androids can register, make connections and keep in touch with each other. :)
You need to have calabash-android
installed on your machine and you need to connect one and only one phone (tablet, emulator).
Download the apk (application file) from here and save it somewhere on your machine. (eg.
Open a terminal (command line) and navigate to the directory where you saved the application. (eg.
cd ~/robobook
) -
Type in the following command to build the test server:
calabash-android build robobook.apk
4. Type in the following command to start the console:
calabash-android console robobook.apk
If everything went well you're in the calabash console and you see a prompt like this:
- Enter the following command into the calabash console to install the app:
irb(main):001:0> reinstall_apps
- Enter the following command into the calabash console to start the test app:
irb(main):002:0> start_test_server_in_background
The app should start on your phone and you should see a login screen.