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Releases: ballerina-attic/tools-distribution

Ballerina 0.96.0 Released!

29 Jan 08:09
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What’s new in Ballerina 0.96.0

Ballerina Language improvements

  • Next/Break statements support in Foreach Statement.

Ballerina Runtime improvements

  • Improved HTTP server connector
    • Introduce server connector connection at resource level.
    • Specialize request and response according to their inbound/outbound behaviour.
  • Introduce MIME package
    • Provide multipart/form-data support to inbound and outbound request.

Ballerina Composer improvements

  • Diagram Changes
    • New foreach implementation with flow control
    • Diagram changes to reflect the server connector connection
  • Language Server
    • Completion support for import packages
    • Hover support for Try Catch, Transformer, Connectors and Actions
  • Composer back-end server revamp
    • Introduce the ability to dynamically plug-in backend services
    • Aggregate lang-server communication to a single websocket
    • Restructure services

Bug Fixes

Language fixes
Language server fixes
Composer fixes

Getting started

You can download the Ballerina distributions, try samples, and read the documentation at

Ballerina 0.95.8 Released!

21 Jan 10:29
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What’s new in Ballerina 0.95.8

Ballerina Runtime improvements

  • A circuit breaker implementation for the HTTP client connector
  • Debug support for Ballerina workers

Ballerina Composer improvements

  • Design view improvements
    • New try-catch design to reflect flow diagrams
    • Set flow view as the default view

Ballerina 0.95.7 Released!

16 Jan 10:03
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What’s new in Ballerina 0.95.7

Ballerina Language improvements

  • Foreach statement for collections
    • Foreach is a looping construct for traversing items in a collection such as arrays, maps, json, xml, and an integer range.

Ballerina Runtime improvements

  • Improved HTTP server and client connectors
    • Added support for configuring the maximum number of active connections that can be created by the client connector.
    • Improved chunking behaviour for both server/client connector.

Ballerina Composer improvements

  • Design View Improvements.
    • Enable new connector and action creation from search
    • Improved error handling when design view fails to render diagram.
  • Language server improvements
    • Go to definition support

Ballerina Tools improvements

  • User Repository support

Getting started

You can download the Ballerina distributions, try samples, and read the documentation at

Ballerina 0.95.6 Released!

16 Jan 10:00
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What’s new in Ballerina 0.95.6

Ballerina Runtime improvements

  • Improved JSON casting. Now a JSON can be casted to a constrained JSON, using the casting syntax.
  • Added support for configuring protocol version to HTTP client connector.
  • Enrich HTTP request struct with rest-uri-post-fix.
  • Improvements on SQL UDT  data retrieval via structs

Ballerina Composer improvements.

  • Graphical view has been redesigned to make the diagram more comprehensible. Following are some of the design changes.
    • Conditional statements are represented with flow diagram notations.
    • Tool Palette was replaced by context aware menus.
    • Client line was introduced in to the diagram to draw the complete flow.
  • Source editor now uses Monaco Editor with full language server integration.
  • Language Server Improvements
    • Refactor packaging to be aware of the ballerina system libraries
    • Auto completion improvements to be aware of the new language constructs
    • Signature help improvements to aware of ballerina system libraries
    • Hover support improvements
    • Error handling improvements

Getting started

You can download the Ballerina distributions, try samples, and read the documentation at

Ballerina 0.95.5 Released!

16 Jan 09:55
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What’s new in Ballerina 0.95.5

Ballerina Language improvements

  • Allow commenting anywhere in a ballerina file
  • Introduce ternary expression
  • Improvements on transaction and retry syntax

Ballerina Runtime improvements

  • HTTP
    • Request and Response structs enriched with headers and other metadata
    • Built-in support for handling ‘Expect:100-continue’ requests
    • Support for setting binary payloads in requests/responses
  • WebSocket
    • Path param support
  • SQL
    • Improvements on SQL array data retrieval
  • JSON
    • Custom JSON parser/generator implementation

Ballerina Composer improvements

  • Language Server
    • Signature Help support
    • Hover support
    • Text Document Symbol Support
  • Refactoring helpers for package declaration - fix package name or move to correct path
  • Automatic package declaration generation for new files

Bug Fixes


Getting started

You can download the Ballerina distributions, try samples, and read the documentation at

Ballerina 0.95.4 Released!

08 Dec 09:11
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What’s new in Ballerina 0.95.4

Built-in APIs

  • Improved SQL connector API for select and call actions to support flexible struct based data retrieval via datatables.
  • SQL parameters and datatables for date/time types are supported via builtin Time type.
  • New crypto package with support for hashing functions.

Bug Fixes


Getting started

You can download the Ballerina distributions, try samples, and read the documentation at

Ballerina 0.95.3 Released!

08 Dec 09:10
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What’s new in Ballerina 0.95.3

Ballerina Runtime improvements

  • Introduce null support for string type. Null values can be assigned to string type variables, and the default value of a string is null.

Ballerina Composer improvements.

  • Added program file Outline panel

  • Standalone Language Server which can be used by other editors

Getting started

You can download the Ballerina distributions, try samples, and read the documentation at

Ballerina 0.95.2 Released!

27 Nov 06:24
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What’s new in Ballerina 0.95.2

Ballerina Runtime improvements

  • Improved HTTP server connector with I/O connection status.
  • Added support for configuring connection termination to both HTTP server and HTTP client connectors.

Ballerina APIs

  • Improved SQL Connector API using enum types for constants.
  • Ballerina Composer improvements.
  • Enum support for properties view
  • Conversions will be highlighted in transform view

Getting started

You can download the Ballerina distributions, try samples, and read the documentation at

Ballerina 0.95.1 Released!

21 Nov 04:47
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What’s new in Ballerina 0.95.1

Ballerina Runtime improvements

  • Connectors
    • Support for configuring proxy connections for client connectors

Ballerina Composer improvements.

  • Enum support in graphical editor
  • Support for struct binding in graphical editor

Getting started

You can download the Ballerina distributions, try samples, and read the documentation at

Ballerina 0.95.0 Released!

06 Nov 11:31
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What’s new in Ballerina 0.95.0

Ballerina Language improvements

  • Introducing new endpoint concept
    • Endpoints are logical entities that represent remote services (e.g: HTTP service, database etc)
    • An Endpoint may have one or more connections (connector instances) created from Ballerina connectors. Introduced Bind syntax allows associating a connection created from Ballerina connector to an endpoint.
  • Introducing enum support
  • Introducing anonymous struct support
  • Improved data transformer
    • With this release of Ballerina, data transformation/mapping semantics have been aligned with the type conversion semantics.
    • Custom data transformers can be defined and can be invoked, similar to how a type is converted to another.

Ballerina Runtime improvements

  • Improved HTTP client connector resiliency with timeout and retry

Ballerina APIs

  • HTTP client improvements
    • Introducing resiliency features with retry and timeout
  • Improved task API
    • Appointment support
  • Improved log API
    • Log level configurable for the log API
    • Supports log level configuration per package
  • New config API
    • Configuration file format introduced
    • Supports configuration through CLI parameters
    • Configuration lookup hierarchy introduced

Ballerina Composer improvements.

  • Language changes
    • Support for new endpoint and connector syntax
  • Support for connector library loading
  • Show semantic errors in design view
  • Anonymous struct creation
  • Transformer
    • Supporting new transformer syntax
    • Structs as function parameters

Getting started

You can download the Ballerina distributions, try samples, and read the documentation at