The master branch of this repository holds the main dataset for Flex4RES. The corresponding xlsm file (generating the all the .inc files in the repository) can be found here. For trying out changes on datasets please use branches and follow the following instructions for changes on the master branch.
- Store the Flex4Res dataset in any convenient directory
- In the same diretory/On the same level create a new folder for the .inc files (e.g. data)
- Open the sheet 'Settings' of the dataset
- Enable Editing
- Edit the GAMS path e.g. like: C:\Users\some_user\games_folder\
- Edit the Export diretory - only the name of the folder created in step 2: data\
- Press the 'Export All' button
- Changes to the master branch are only possible through a pull request.
- A pull request must only be approved if the resulting dataset corresponds to the latest major version of the xlsm file.