For a minor version bump, there are all sorts of changes! Enjoy:
- Native Apple Silicon Support.
- New, modern toolbar icons.
- New, modern Preferences icons.
- New, modern UI icons.
- Balthisar Tidy web version get Balthisar Tidy for Work features.
- Balthisar Tidy is now Balthisar Tidy Classic.
- Balthisar Tidy for Work is now Balthisar Tidy.
- Validator Preference panel now simply uses localhost; using the hostname didn't work with secure transport.
- Sample AppleScripts are no longer included int the application bundle, but can be downloaded from the Help menu.
- Sample AppleScripts have been updated, and the disk image is now notarized.
- Help Book has been updated with modern images and updated content.
- Updated to HTML Tidy 5.7.47.
- Updated to Nu Validator 21.5.16.
- Fix hovering behavior on macOS prior to 10.14
- Alternating Row Colors is no longer the default.
- No longer possible to use system tidy dylibs. Security for macOS is getting tighter these days, so we'll just build Tidy directly into Balthisar Tidy.
- Improve the input encoding helper due to issue #8. Thanks @ihemsen.