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This code aims to detect Alzheimer's Disease using machine learning techniques. It includes data preprocessing, exploratory data analysis, feature engineering, and the training of several machine learning models. The code also uses ensemble methods like Random Forest and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to improve classification performance.

Code Overview:

Importing Libraries:

The code starts by importing necessary libraries for data manipulation, visualization, and machine learning.

Data Loading and Exploration:

It loads the Alzheimer's dataset from a CSV file and performs an initial exploration of the data, including checking for missing values and correlation analysis.

Data Preprocessing:

Some columns are dropped as they are not needed for the analysis. The 'Group' column is transformed into binary values (1 for Demented, 0 for Nondemented). The 'M/F' column is transformed into binary values (1 for Male, 0 for Female). Missing values in the 'SES' and 'MMSE' columns are imputed using the most frequent value and median, respectively. The data is normalized using StandardScaler.

Data Splitting:

The dataset is split into training and testing sets.

Support Vector Machine (SVM):

Hyperparameter tuning is performed for the SVM classifier using GridSearchCV to find the best combination of parameters. The code uses 20-fold cross-validation and the ROC AUC score as the evaluation metric. The best SVM model is trained on the entire dataset.

Ensemble Learning for Predictive Modeling

This code implements ensemble learning techniques for predictive modeling. It utilizes several ensemble algorithms to predict outcomes based on a given dataset.

Models Used

Random Forest (RF):

Hyperparameter tuning is performed for the Random Forest classifier using RandomizedSearchCV. The code tests various combinations of hyperparameters such as the number of estimators, maximum depth, and minimum samples to split. The best RF model is trained on the training data.

AdaBoost (ADA):

Adaptive boosting technique that combines multiple weak learners to create a strong learner. Feature importances have been calculated and visualized.

Gradient Boosting (GB):

Ensemble technique that builds multiple decision trees sequentially to improve prediction accuracy. Feature importances have been calculated and visualized.

Extra Trees (ET):

Ensemble method similar to Random Forest but with differences in the way trees are constructed. Feature importances have been calculated and visualized.

XGBoost (XGB)

An optimized and efficient gradient boosting library. Feature importances have been calculated and visualized.

Feature Importance Visualization

Feature importances for each model have been computed and plotted as scatter plots to demonstrate the importance of different features in the prediction process. This helps in understanding which features are most influential in the models' predictions.

Model Evaluation

The models have been evaluated using various performance metrics such as accuracy, recall, and AUC (Area Under the Curve). These metrics provide insights into how well the models perform in classifying data points.


The performance metrics for each model are as follows:

Random Forest (RF)

Accuracy: 0.807 Recall: 0.818 AUC: 0.759 AdaBoost (ADA)

Accuracy: 0.814 Recall: 0.795 AUC: 0.728 Gradient Boosting (GB)

Accuracy: 0.817 Recall: 0.864 AUC: 0.862 Extra Trees (ET)

Accuracy: 0.878 Recall: 0.841 AUC: 0.820 Support Vector Machine (SVM)

Accuracy: 0.799 Recall: 0.795 AUC: 0.788 XGBoost (XGB)

Accuracy: 0.824 Recall: 0.818 AUC: 0.789


Ensemble learning techniques such as Random Forest, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, Extra Trees, Support Vector Machine, and XGBoost have been applied to the dataset, and their performance has been evaluated. Among these models, Extra Trees and Gradient Boosting have demonstrated the highest accuracy and recall, making them potential candidates for further consideration in predictive modeling tasks.


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