To run the project after cloning follow the steps below:
I have setup this project with docker.
With Docker -
If do you want to install with docker then first please install the docker and docker compose on your system and follow the steps mentioned below. Here are the links -
Without Docker -
If do you want to install without docker then the following are the requirements -
PHP 7.4
For non-docker project, commands are the same (skip first command)
Replace the ./docker-php with php
- In 1st terminal tab: Run the container
docker-compose up
- In 2nd terminal tab: Composer install
./docker-php composer install
- Here are the examples of three methodes with parameters. param1 and param2 can be the string values need to pass
./docker-php bin/console app:checker isPalindrome param1
./docker-php bin/console app:checker isPangram param1
./docker-php bin/console app:checker isAnagram param1 param2