Course Assignments of COL106:- Data Structures and Algorithms at IIT Delhi under Professor Subodh Sharma and Professor Rahul Garg
- Assignment 1:- Sets
- Implementation of Sets from scratch in C++
- Assignment 2:- Postfix Expression Calculator
- Implementation of Postfix expression calculator using Stacks
- Assignment 3:- Banking Database System
- Banking database system using different types of Hashing
- Assignment 4:- Expression Evaluator
- Evaluator for fully-parenthesised expression with support for arbitrary number lengths using binary parse trees and symbol tables
- Assignment 5:- Expression Compiler
- Compiler for simple expressions containing variables and return statements using AVL trees and symbol tables using heaps
- Assignment 6:- Document Processing Tool
- Efficient storing and searching for words in a large corpus using AVL trees and Hashing
- Assignment 7:- Corpus QnA Tool
- Used BM25 algorithm to first rank the paragraphs of a large corpus according to the given question's relevance, and then feeding it to ChatGPT and Hugging Face models using API calls to generate answers to user queries