This library is meant to interface with mijnafvalwijzer.
It is meant as a workaround for the afvalwijzer app (used in the Netherlands) to be notified when to place the bin at the road. Since this app delivers a poor functionality for notifications, and I needed a small project, I created this.
pip install afvalwijzer
pip uninstall afvalwijzer
>>> from Afvalwijzer import Afvalwijzer
>>> zipcode = '3564KV'
>>> number = '13'
>>> garbage = Afvalwijzer(zipcode, number)
>>> garbage.pickupdate
>>> garbage.wastetype
'Groente-, Fruit- en Tuinafval'
>>> garbage.garbage
('Vandaag', 'Groente-, Fruit- en Tuinafval')
>>> garbage.pickupdates
['dinsdag 02 januari', 'dinsdag 02 januari']
>>> garbage.wastetypes
['Groente-, Fruit- en Tuinafval', 'Kerstbomen']
The following function only returns true if the pickup date is the same as today.
>>> garbage.notify
Below is shown how I use it to get notified using pushbullet.
from Afvalwijzer import Afvalwijzer
from pushbullet import Pushbullet
def notification(device=None):
pb = Pushbullet(pushbulletapi)
mydevice = pb.get_device(device)
mydevice = None
push = pb.push_note(
"Container: {}".format(wastetype),
"Container: {}\nDate: {}".format(wastetype, pickupdate),
zipcode = '3564KV'
number = 13
pushbulletapi = 'pushbullet_api_key'
pushbulletdevice = 'LGE Nexus 5X'
garbage = Afvalwijzer(zipcode, number)
pickupdate, wastetype = garbage.garbage
notify = garbage.notify
if notify and pushbulletapi:
This script can now be set up as a cronjob on your server or alike.
0 6 * * * cd /path/to/script/ > /dev/null 2>&1
- Output is provided in Dutch due to the main website. There is a button for English, but I haven't got it working (yet).
- I'm still learning how to work with it all. Therefore feedback, advice, pull request etc. are most welcome.