CLI for generating configuration manifests, effective for integration with configuration management pipelines to reduce the ammount of handwritten specifications. Both JSON and YAML are valid input types that can be converted from template to manifest.
manifestgen [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --template <template_file>
-e, --encode Base64 Encoded output
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-o, --output <output_file> Path for the generated output file
-t, --template <template_file> Path to the template file
-v, --variables <variables_file> Path to the variable input file
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
cargo test
cargo build
cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release
# read variables from a file and write manifest to a file
$manifestgen -v project/example-var.json -t project/targets.tmpl -o project/config.yaml
# read variables from a file and write manifest to an base64 encoded output file
$manifestgen -v project/example-var.json -t project/targets.tmpl -o project/encoded --encode
# verify
cat project/encoded | base64 -d
# read variables from stdin and write manifest to a file
cat project/example-var.json | $manifestgen -t project/targets.tmpl -o project/config.yaml
# read JSON variables from a file and write manifest to stdout
$manifestgen -v project/example-var.json -t project/targets.tmpl
# read YAML variables from a file and write manifest to stdout
$manifestgen -v project/example-var.yaml -t project/targets.tmpl
# read JSON variables from stdin and write manifest to stdout
cat project/example-var.json | $manifestgen --template project/targets.tmpl
# read YAML variables from stdin and write manifest to stdout
cat project/example-var.yaml | $manifestgen --template project/targets.tmpl