competitive-programming - Reference to Competitive Programming A curated list of explanation and resources for competitive programming, algorithms and data structures. A step-by-step guide that will walk you through the whole process of Competitive Programming sport.
- Choose the topic that you want to study, better choose the topic based on Topics which bsed on Curriculum and Junior Training Sheet Videos.
- Make a Summary Sheet, that contains of resources, tags, terminologies and explanations of that topics.
- Make a Code Snippets File that contains of all the codes related to that topics.
- Make a Problem Sheet that contains problems based on that topic, better based on CP3 Problems Section and Curriculum.
- Make a Solutions library that have a folder for each topic and the folder will contain the solutions of all the problems based on that topic.
- Regularly participate in live contests, use Codeforces Virtual Contest (Solve all the problems after struggling for a long time check the tutorial)
- Use Junior Training Sheet
- Genreal habits
- Solve topic based
- Solve random
- Solve on contest