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Deprecation schedule

Jay Conrod edited this page Dec 23, 2020 · 7 revisions

This document lists public interfaces and features that are deprecated and will be removed soon, as well as features that have already been removed. For each item in this document, the deprecation rationale is listed, along with the last supported rules_go release and the release when the functionality is scheduled to be removed.

Supported Go versions

The Go Team provides support for the current and previous minor versions of Go. For example, if Go 1.15 is the current version, then 1.15 and 1.14 are supported. Only supported versions receive bug fixes and security updates, so users are strongly encouraged to update to those versions.

Each minor version of rules_go only supports the minor versions of Go that were supported at the time of release. rules_go may break compatibility with older versions.

Deprecated features

go_info rule
Deprecated in: 0.25.1
To be removed in: Before Go 1.17 is released.
Rationale: This rule depends on the go command, which is very sensitive to the action's environment. It can provide incorrect, non-deterministic information, and it will stop working in Go 1.17 without a fix, since GOPATH mode will likely be removed.
Migration: Use runtime.Version to find the Go version. Use the toolchain API to get other information about the toolchain.

go_tool_library rule
Deprecated in: 0.23.0
To be removed in: After #2473 is resolved.
Rationale: This rule was exposed in the public API in order to break a cyclic dependency building nogo binaries. When #2473 is resolved, nogo binaries can depend on regular go_library packages, so there's no need for a parallel graph of go_tool_library targets. As such, go_tool_library is redundant with go_library and should not be used.
Migration: Use go_library instead of go_tool_library. Existing go_tool_library targets in org_golang_x_tools will be replaced with aliases.

Removed features

All --features and --define flags
Deprecated in: 0.23.0
Removed in: 0.25.0
Rationale: These flags have been replaced by Starlark build setting flags such as --@io_bazel_rules_go//go/config:race. --features and --define flags do not trigger configuration changes, and they won't work with config_setting or select.
Migration: When invoking Bazel, use flags like --@io_bazel_rules_go//go/config:race instead of --features=race.

go_rule wrapper
Deprecated in: 0.21.0
Removed in: 0.25.0
Rationale: A Bazel compatibility change, possibly --incompatible_remap_main_repo, changed how default labels are interpreted in rule definitions. Labels without explicit workspace names are now considered to be inside the workspace of the file containing the call to rule. When go_rule is used, that's @io_bazel_rules_go, which is probably unexpected and unwanted for most users.
Migration: Instead of using go_rule, use the native rule. Add a toolchain dependency of type @io_bazel_rules_go//go:toolchain. Add a label attribute named _go_context_data that defaults to @io_bazelrules_go//:go_context_data.

objc = True and related attributes
Deprecated in: 0.19.0
Removed in: 0.20.0
Rationale: rules_go has been rewritten to build each Go package in a single action. This makes rules_go more efficient on remote configurations. Maintenance is considerably simpler. C, C++, Objective-C, and Objective-C++ files are compiled as part of this action, so objc = True should no longer be necessary in most cases. In 0.19.0, this triggers a legacy path where .m and .mm files are built in an objc_library. In 0.20.0, this legacy path and the objc_library target will be removed. Attributes specific to objc_library like module_map will no longer be accepted.
Migration: Remove objc = True and attributes specific to objc_library from Go rules. If you need to embed Go code within a larger Objective C binary, build a go_binary with linkmode = "c-archive", then depend on the .cc target in the deps attribute of a objc_library or similar rule. For example, if the go_binary is named "foo", you can add "" to deps.

Go 1.10
Deprecated in: 0.19.0
Removed in: 0.20.0
Rationale: Go 1.10 is no longer officially supported. Newer versions of the Go toolchain provide different feature sets, and it's difficult to support older versions at the same time.
Migration: go_register_toolchains() automatically selects the newest version of Go unless a version is explicitly specified.

Go 1.9
Deprecated in: 0.17.0
Removed in: 0.18.0
Rationale: Go 1.9 is no longer officially supported. Newer versions of the Go toolchain provide different feature sets, and it's difficult to support older versions at the same time.
Migration: go_register_toolchains() automatically selects the newest version of Go unless a version is explicitly specified.

go_vet_test rule
Deprecated in: 0.17.0
Removed in: 0.18.0
Rationale: nogo provides vet functionality, integrated into the build. The command go tool vet no longer works starting in Go 1.12, and go_vet_test will no longer work.
Migration: Declare a nogo rule with vet = True. Add it to the toolchain in the WORKSPACE call to go_register_toolchains. See nogo for instructions.

Go 1.8
Deprecated in: 0.12.0
Removed in: 0.13.0
Rationale: Go 1.8 is no longer officially supported. Newer versions of the Go toolchain provide options that let us streamline the compile and link process. The -importcfg option in particular will let us reduce symlinking before compiling.
Migration: go_register_toolchains() automatically selects the newest version of Go unless a version is explicitly specified.

rules_go gazelle rule
Deprecated in: 0.13.0
Removed in: 0.15.0
Rationale: This lets us reduce coupling between rules_go and Gazelle. With this change, we should be able to remove the automatic dependency on @bazel_gazelle.
Migration: gazelle fix will change the load for the gazelle rule from @io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl to @bazel_gazelle//:def.bzl.

Deprecated in: 0.12.0
Removed in: 0.13.0
Rationale: Historically, the importpath of go_library was determined by its position in the repository relative to //:go_prefix. This implicit dependency has made it difficult to support repositories where Go is not at the root of the tree. We have encouraged explicit importpath attributes for several releases. go_prefix will be removed and importpath will be mandatory for go_library and go_proto_library.
Migration: Gazelle sets importpath automatically.

library attribute
Deprecated in: 0.9.0
Removed in: 0.12.0
Rationale: The library attribute in go_library, go_binary, and go_test was replaced with the embed attribute, which allows multiple libraries to be embedded instead of just one. We plan to remove library to simplify our implementation.
Migration: Gazelle converts library to embed automatically.

linkstamp attribute
Deprecated in: 0.9.0
Removed in: 0.12.0
Rationale: The linkstamp has been made entirely redundant by x_defs, which allows multiple stamped variables in both go_binary and go_library.
Migration: Requires a manual change. gazelle fix can't replace these, since it would require knowing which symbols will be stamped.

Legacy go_repository and new_go_repository
Deprecated in: 0.12.0
Removed in: 0.13.0
The go_repository rule has moved from @io_bazel_rules_go to @bazel_gazelle. Gazelle is a core part of go_repository, and moving go_repository to that repository allows us to reduce rules_go's dependence on Gazelle.
Migration: gazelle fix automatically updates WORKSPACE files to use the new go_repository.

go_sdk and go_repositories repository rules
Deprecated in: 0.7.0
Removed in: 0.12.0
Rationale: go_sdk is redundant with the go_host_sdk_, go_download_sdk, and go_local_sdk rules. go_repositories should not be used anymore; go_rules_dependencies and go_register_toolchains should be called instead.
Migration: Requires a manual change to WORKSPACE.

cgo_library and cgo_genrule
Deprecated in: 0.5.3
Removed in: 0.12.0
Rationale: These rules are redundant with go_library with cgo = True.
Migration: gazelle fix automatically squashes or renames cgo_library rules with go_library.

Legacy go_proto_library.bzl
Deprecated in: 0.9.0
Removed in: 0.12.0
Rationale: We have a new set of proto rules in @io_bazel_rules_go//proto:def.bzl. There's no need to preserve the rules in go_proto_library.bzl.
Migration: Gazelle generates new proto rules automatically when run with -proto=default or # gazelle:proto default.