Developed by Brandon Cooper, Joey Wilson, and Tobias Bleisch
For information about the corpus and web scraper, refer to the README in the corpus subdirectory.
Run the following: pip install -r requirements.txt
In order to run the using Stanford CoreNLP, you have to add the following environmental variables:
Assuming you have used pip to install the requirements, run the following: python3 -m all
For more information, see
Navigate to the extraction subdirectory and run the following: python3
NOTE: This will print a lot of results. At the bottom will be the accuracy results.
Navigate to the extraction subdirectory and run as follows:
For example, "./ 5" runs the date classifier for 5 trials using the Naive Bayes classifier, then another 5 trials with the maximum entropy classifier for classifying dates. The script will create an out.txt with the dateClassifier's output, and print
To run the location system refer to the README in the location folder.