bspwm is a tiling window manager, where
monitor/desktop/window manipulation occurs using the command-line tool bspc
. bspc-go is a Golang wrapper for this interface, allowing the user to interact with the window manager using Monitor, Desktop, and Window structs
- Add usage instructions
Here is an example of i3-like behavior:
package main
import (
func main() {
conn, err := bspc.NewController()
if err != nil {
desktopName := os.Args[1]
monitor, _ := conn.FocusedMonitor()
desktop, _ := monitor.DesktopByName(desktopName)
if desktop == nil {
newDesktops, _ := monitor.AddDesktops(desktopName)
} else {
// Otherwise, we should go to it
for _, monitor := range conn.Monitors {
for _, desktop := range monitor.Desktops {
if len(desktop.Windows) == 0 {