MQTT interface for C-Bus lighting written in Node.js
(If you're looking for HVAC, I haven't/can't try it but have a look at this fork:
(for raspberry pi)
cd /usr/local/bin
sudo git clone
cd cgateweb
npm install
sudo nano settings.js
Put in your settings.
sudo cp cgateweb.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl start cgateweb
sudo systemctl enable cgateweb
- Put your settings in settings.js
- Run node index.js
Detailed guides and supporting articles will be posted on my blog:
cbus/read/#1/#2/#3/state - ON/OFF gets published to these topics if the light is turned on/off
cbus/read/#!/#2/#3/level - The level of the light gets published to these topics
cbus/write/#1/#2/#3/switch - Publish ON/OFF to these topics to turn lights on/off
cbus/write/#1/#2/#3/ramp - Publish a % to ramp to that %. Optionally add a comma then a time (e.g. 50,4s or 100,2m). Also, INCREASE/DECREASE ramp by 5% up or down and ON/OFF turns on/off.
- cbus/write/#1/#2//getall - current values get published on the cbus/read topics
#1,#2 and #3 should be replaced by your c-bus network number, application number, and the group number.
Requesting an update on start or periodic updates can be set in the settings file.
- cbus/write/#1///gettree - result gets published as JSON on cbus/read/#1///tree
I made this for working with OpenHAB It assumes the default cgate ports