A simple login system for unity.
Copy accounts.php to you server. eg, http://yoursite.com/accounts.php
Create a database(any name) with:
- 1 table: Accounts
- 4 columns: email, password, secretQuestion, answer
Open accounts.php and fill in the host, database, username, and password variables at the top of the file.
- Import Login.cs to your Unity project (you can drag an drop from windows explorer)
- Drag Login.cs onto an object in your scene. (I use an empty game object called LoginController)
- Create a UI Canvas and add these elements to it:
- InputFields: email,password,password2,securityQuestion,securityAnswer
- ToggleSwitch: autoLogin
- Buttons: login, create account
- Text field: results
- Attach the UI objects you just created to the corresponding location on your LoginController/Login.cs script in the editor.
- On your "Login" button add an OnClick(by pressing the little + symbol) and drag your login control object to the object slot, then from the drop down box select Login->LoginAccount() -Do the same with your "Create account" button on this time Login->CreateAccount()