Simulate particle tracking in the BigRedMagnet and/or extract the momentum from the deflection
The measured magnetic field profiles for various currents are located in md_corr_edit, measured by the machine group.
The Boris Algorithm (see e.g. here) is used for a reliable propagation in the magnetic field.
This software can be used as a python library, or include the corresponding headers.
Two examples/executables are implemented in C++, one in python to demonstrate the usage as library.
To compile the C++ executables, do
make cc
to compile both or
make getDeflection
make findMomentum
for separate compilations.
Calculate the deflection (position in x and angle) for a given setup:
./getDeflection [momentum in GeV] [magnet current in A] [end of tracking in mm]
Note: The end of tracking is defined in reference to the center of the magnet (z=1166 mm in the magnetic field map). The magnetic field (map) extents to (center + ~1160 mm).
Find the momentum for a measured particle from its deflection angle and the current of the BRM:
./findMomentum [deflection angle in radian] [magnet current in A]
For installing the python library, the boost python libraries have to be installed (libboost-python-dev). To install, do
make shared
This will create
. In any python program, use
import measurement
to load the library. As an example, see
There is currently no python equivalent to the deflection calculator. Feel free to contribute :-)