Gabiel tends to be a very clever bot-scraper, browsing parish sites and collecting all detected events.
How to launch the scraper?
First install requirements in a virtual env:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.pip
Then, run:
$ python3
INPUT : the list of domain names to visit, corresponding each to a unique parish entity.
From this list, Gabiel:
- browses all the web pages available from the entry web page linked to the domain name
- tries to find in each page mass hours, and keep it in memory
- can detect whether the parish uses a mass hours widget such as MesseInfo widget or not (if it is the case, we need to know it not to loose time to collect redundant or nonexistent information)
- remembers which url is containing the relevant data we're looking for
- is able to check only these relevant urls when we ask for a quick update, or deep checks the whole website when we ask for it
- is able to detect any change between the current and the last check up
OUTPUT : Gabiel (should) returns for each parish the following information:
"useMassWidget": false,
"widget": "",
"start": "2018-11-18T06:30:00+0000",
"end": "2018-11-18T07:30:00+0000",
"isAllDay": false,
"description": "",
"sourceUrl": "<PARISH_WEB_PAGE_URL>",
"repetitions": {
"...": "..."