Toolbox is a customizable Command Line Interface (CLI) allowing you to spread standardized tools installations and configurations within your organization.
It provides multiple advantages:
- No need of prerequired software, executable, framework or tool to setup Toolbox. Only a plain vanilla Windows operating system having PowerShell installed.
- The centralization of all configurations and installation scripts in a source control management system allowing better security audit.
- The possibility to install tools and software in a portable way without the interaction with the direct operating system directories.
- The analysis of the usage of Toolbox within your organization through analytics.
- The promotion of inner source collaboration within your development teams.
Toolbox is under analysis to be used under Mac OS and Linux operating systems but is still not yet available. ⭐ the repository to be kept up to date.
The documentation has been splitted based on two roles:
- As a Toolbox user, the person who wants to use Toolbox within their development environment.
- As a Toolbox administrator, the person who is responsible of configuring and updating Toolbox for his colleagues within his organization.
Depending on your role, read the appropriate documentation.