This is a blank starter project for building web applications and sites using StencilJS. It includes SASS compiler and task runner.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
To start a new project using this boilerplate, clone this repo to a new directory:
git clone my-app
cd my-app
git remote rm origin
and run:
npm install
To launch the development server run:
npm start
Your default web browser will launch and changes to files are watched.
This project includes stencil-tasks to help automate various tasks. You can run them from the command line:
npm run task --create my-component
npm run task --route my-route
For more information about the available commands, check out the README
Tests are written with Jest
npm run test
To build the code run:
npm run build
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- John Bower - Initial work - Beclamide
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details