AttributeBoss performs routine standardization and extraction tasks common to data transformation preprocessing requirements.
- standardize the treatment of missing data (
) - clean any str data (
) - validate address, postal, and phone data (
) - standardize address data by removing aligning use of prefix and suffixes and street directions (
) - standardize postal codes by removing common differences in representation (
) - standardize phone numbers by removing common differences in reporesentation (
) - standardize province and state names to abbreviated title (
) - extract an address (street number, street name, street prefix / suffix, street directions) from a complex str (
) - extract a postal code from a str (
) - extract a phone number from a str (
see Suggested Steps for Implementation below for proper use
AttributeBoss Forever
Signing off but inevitably back on -B
- This library was built to quickly bring key attributes into alignment (Standardize) for further preprocessing tasks
- It has Spark and Python functionality.
from AttributeBoss.SparkTools import SparkBoss
ab = SparkBoss()
- The Spark compatibilities of AttributeBoss use PySpark dataframe column instances to transform data.
- To initialize:
from AttributeBoss.PyTools import PyBoss
ab = PyBoss()
- The base python functions in AttributeBoss are built around the assumption that Pandas DataFrames are being used, and they are therefore required input types.
- most of the functions leverage py dict structures to perform replacement tasks given that they are much more efficient than using for loops or step by step tasks
- with this in mind, the input for each function should be a pd.Series unless otherwise stated
- the output of each function is a pd.Series, which will make it easy to write it back to your DF
- ex:
standardized_attribute = standardize_address(df['my_attribute'])
df['my_attribute] = standardized_attribute
- this library was designed to be used in steps and some functions rely on others to work properly
- It is suggested that a user take the following approach:
- for address data: missing_val_handler() --> standardize_address() --> extract_address() --> validate_attribute()
- standardize_address() leverages cln_str() so it is not neccessary to use it
- extract_address() is looking for a matches based off the standard prefix / suffix / street direction abbreviations implemented via standardize_address
- validate_attribute() is looking only for NoneType data and returning a list of indices that match None -- in this way, extract_address() is actually validating your address data and returning None where it doesnt find a match.
- any string: missing_val_handler() --> cln_strs()
- cln_strs() performs basic cleaning in this order (the order is important): Changes str to uppercase, removes new lines, different types of apostrophies, periods, hyphens, parenthesis, adjusts commas. Replaces all types of french accents with standard letter. Removes all non-ascii characters, and finally remove any spaces more than one and trim any remaining whitespaces.
- note that cln_strs() should be satisfactory for most categorical data -- however, it is not intended for text based data where puncuation matters!
- postal, phone, or province data missing_val_handler() --> standardize_xxx() --> extract_xxx() --> validate_attribute()
- for address data: missing_val_handler() --> standardize_address() --> extract_address() --> validate_attribute()