python-gitmodel is a framework for persisting objects using Git for versioning and remote syncing.
According to Git's README, Git is a "stupid content tracker". That means you aren't limited to storing source code in git. The goal of this project is to provide an object-level interface to use git as a schema-less data store, as well as tools that take advantage of git's powerful versioning capabilities.
python-gitmodel allows you to model your data using python, and provides an easy-to-use interface for storing that data as git objects.
python-gitmodel is based on libgit2, a pure C implementation of the Git core methods. This means that instead of calling git commands via shell, we get to use git at native speed.
- Schema-less data store
- Never lose data. History is kept forever and can be restored using git tools.
- Branch and merge your production data
- python-gitmodel can work with different branches
- branch or tag snapshots of your data
- experiment on production data using branches, for example, to test a migration
- Ideal for content-driven applications
Below we'll cover a use-case for a basic flat-page CMS.
Basic model creation:
from gitmodel.workspace import Workspace
from gitmodel import fields
ws = Workspace('path/to/my-repo/.git')
class Page(ws.GitModel):
slug = fields.SlugField()
title = fields.CharField()
content = fields.CharField()
published = fields.BooleanField(default=True)
The Workspace can be thought of as your git working directory. It also acts as the "porcelain" layer to pygit2's "plumbing". In contrast to a working directory, the Workspace class does not make use of the repository's INDEX and HEAD files, and instead keeps track of these in memory.
Saving objects:
page = Page(slug='example-page', title='Example Page')
page.content = '<h2>Here is an Example</h2><p>Lorem Ipsum</p>'
# abc99c394ab546dd9d6e3381f9c0fb4b
By default, objects get an auto-ID field which saves as a python UUID hex (don't confuse these with git hashes). You can easily customize which field in your model acts as the ID field, for example:
class Page(ws.GitModel):
slug = fields.SlugField(id=True)
# OR
class Page(ws.GitModel):
slug = fields.SlugField()
class Meta:
id_field = 'slug'
Objects are not committed to the repository by default. They are, however,
written into the object database as trees and blobs. The Workspace.index
object is a pygit2.Tree
that holds the uncommitted data. It's analagous to
Git's index, except that the pointer is stored in memory.
Creating commits is simple:
oid =, message='Added an example page')
commit = ws.repo[oid] # a pygit2.Commit object
You can access previous commits using pygit2, and even view diffs between two versions of an object.
# walking commits
for commit in ws.walk():
print("{}: {}".format(commit.hex, commit.message))
# get a diff between two commits
head_commit = ws.branch.commit
prev_commit_oid = head_commit.parents[0]
Objects can be easily retrieved by their id:
page = Page.get('example-page')
Git doesn't perform very well on its own. If you need your git-backed data to perform well in a production environment, you need to get it a "wingman". Since python-gitmodel can be used in a variety of ways, it's up to you to decide the best way to optimize it.
This project is no longer under active development.
- Caching?
- Indexing?
- Query API?
- Full documentation
python-gitmodel was inspired by Rick Olson's talk, "Git, the Stupid NoSQL Database" and Paul Downman's GitModel for ruby.