This code provides a CPU (slow*) implementation of an approximation to Mumford-Shah image segmentation.
See the exposition jupyter notebook for more explanation about what's going on.
* GPU implementation coming...
Based on:
- "A first-order primal-dual algorithm for convex problems with applications to imaging" Chambolle, Antonin and Pock, Thomas (2011) Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 40(1)
Intersection of convex set projection method based on
- "A cyclic projection algorithm via duality" Gaffke, Norbert and Mathar, Rudolf (1989) Metrika. 36(1)
Unit simplex projection based on
- "Projection onto the probability simplex : An efficient algorithm with a simple proof and an application" Wang, Weiran and Miguel, A (2013) arXiv:1309.1541v1
Ben Lansdell 11/22/2016