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An interpretable end-to-end CNN for disease progression modeling that predicts late AMD onset (MICCAI 2024)

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Interpretable-by-design deep survival analysis for disease progression modeling

Accepted at MICCAI 2024

This repository contains the code for the paper "Interpretable-by-design Deep Survival Analysis for Disease Progression Modeling". The code is based on PyTorch and is used to train and evaluate a deep learning model for survival analysis on fundus images. The model offers built-in interpretability by yielding an evidence map of local disease risk which is subsequently simply aggregated to a final risk prediction. The model is based on a combination of a Sparse BagNet and a Cox proportional hazards model. As a sample use case, it is trained to predict the risk of conversion to age-related macular degeneration at different time points and its performance is compared to that of black-box SOTA baseline models.

Figure 1: Model architecture
Figure 1: Model architecture.

Table 1: Model performance


  • Obtain the AREDS data (see Data)
  • Install the conda environment using conda env create -f requirements.yml (or use requirements_without_R.yml which installs much faster but lacks AUPRC metric support) and activate it with conda activate amd-surv.
  • Log in to wandb with the command wandb login. Create an account if you don't have one.

Load and evaluate the pre-trained interpretable-by-design survival model on AREDS data

  • Retrieve the model weights 7ufjvvnz_best.pth from here and place it in the checkpoints directory.
  • Follow the instructions in evaluate_survival.ipynb to load the model and evaluate it.
  • To evaluate the pre-trained baseline models, retrieve the other weights files and repeat the procedure.

Alternatively, train the model yourself

The model can be trained and evaluated using the following command:
python --config configs/sparsebagnet_cox.yml

Similarly, the baseline models can be trained and evaluated using the files in configs/babenko/ and configs/yan/. The model configs serve to train one model for each inquired point in time (years 1 to 5).

Modify the configuration

The training is configured using a yaml file. The following parameters can be set:

# Path to the metadata csv file relative to the project directory.
metadata_csv: data/metadata_surv.csv    # input file with image paths etc. Make sure to select one with stereo images if selecting use_stereo_images: true below.

# Path to image files, relative to the data directory in dirs.yml.
image_dir: images-f2-1024px

### CNN training ###
  project: wandb-project-name           # The name of the wandb project. This code requires wandb to be installed and logged in.
  run_id: none                          # Needed to load a checkpoint, optional
  resume_training: false                # Load model from last checkpoint, optional
  load_best_model: false                # Load model from best checkpoint, optional
    enabled: false                      # If true, only use a small subset of the data   
    size: 100                           # Ignored if enabled=false
  train_set_fraction: 1.0               # For debuggung use <1.0. Overwrites test_run.size
  val_set_fraction: 1.0                 # For debugging use <1.0
  survival_times: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]      # Times to evaluate the model at, in half-years. You can pass e.g. "[2]" in combination with "loss: clf" to train a classifier model for time 2.
  gpu: 0                                # Index of GPU to use
  seed: 123                             # Random seed for reproducibility
  batch_size: 8                         # Batch size
  num_epochs: 50                        # Max. number of epochs
  stop_after_epochs: 10                 # Stop training after this number of epochs without improvement
  num_workers: 8                        # Number of workers for data loading
  img_size: 350                         # Height and width of input images
  network: sparsebagnet-surv            # Combination of {resnet, sparsebagnet (or, equally: bagnet), inceptionv3} and {surv}
  lr: 0.000016                          # Learning rate
  sparsity_lambda: 0.000006             # Sparsity loss coefficient (only applied to BagNet models)
  loss: cox                             # cox or clf. Determines model type. clf is for classification models using ce-loss, trained for only one survival_time
  use_stereo_pairs: false               # If true, use stereo image pairs and average their predictions after non-linear activation. Use correct metadata_csv that includes images of both sides of an eye!
  model_selection_metric: ibs           # ibs, aunbc, auc or bce_loss
  eval_sets: [val, test]                # (list of) set(s) to evaluate the model on, e.g. "[val]"
  optimizer: adam                       # adam, adamw or sgd
  weight_decay: 0.0                     # Set to >0.0 to use weight decay
  scheduler: none                       # onecyclelr, cosineannealing, cosineannealingrestarts or none
  scheduler_cosine_len: 0               # Length of a cosine period in epoch units. If not passed, uses epochs/2. Ignored if scheduler is not cosineannealing or cosineannealingrestarts.
  warmup_epochs: 0                      # Number of epochs to warmup the learning rate, set to 0 for no warmup
  augmentation: true                    # If true, use data augmentation as in Huang et al. 2023
  balancing: false                      # Class balancing, currently not supported. Set to false
  num_classes: 12                       # AMD severity scale length for dataloader, do not change

The model takes below 12h to train and evaluate on a single NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GPU.


Upon request, the AREDS data can be accessed from the dbGaP repository. The tabular data needs to be parsed to one metadata file with the rows representing individual macula-centered (F2) images.

The AREDS data directory as defined in configs/dirs.yml should contain:

  • a folder as set the model config (image_dir), the directory of image data. The images should be organized such that the metadata CSV image paths map to the image files, relative to the image_dir.

The <project>/data directory should contain the following files:

  • metadata_surv.csv: Survival metadata table that maps screening data (event, duration) to image records. An example entry is provided in data/metadata_surv example.csv with important columns as follows:

    • patient_id, the eye identifier
    • visit_number, VISNO
    • image_eye, right or left eye
    • image_field, F2
    • image_side, RS or LS
    • image_file, file name
    • image_path, relative path incl. file name from data dir specified in dirs.yml
    • duration, relative time to the first visit where late AMD was diagnosed in units of visits (half years)
    • event, 1 if any record of this eye converted to late AMD, 0 else
    • diagnosis_amd_grade_12c, AMDSEVRE and AMDSEVLE: the AMD severity scale score starting at 0
  • metadata_surv_stereo.csv: Image metadata table with the same structure, but of records where both views (LS and RS) exist (for Babenko et al. baseline model).

Both datasets can be created from a parsed AREDS metadata file using save_survival_metadata.ipynb.

Illustrative figures

Figure 2: Example risk evidence maps and survival curve predictions
Figure 2: Example risk evidence maps (a) and the resulting survival curve predictions (b).

Figure 3: Example of most important image patches
Figure 3: Examples of most predictive image patches which could be provided to clinicians (purple: higher risk, green: lower risk).


This work is mainly based on

Deep CoxPH modeling

  • Katzman, J. et al. "DeepSurv: personalized treatment recommender system using a Cox proportional hazards deep neural network." BMC Med Res Methodol 18, 24 (2018).

The Sparse BagNet for classification

  • Djoumessi, K. et al. "Sparse activations for interpretable disease grading." Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (2023).

Baselines: SOTA end-to-end AMD progression models

  • Babenko, B. et al. "Predicting progression of age-related macular degeneration from fundus images using deep learning." arXiv preprint (2019).
  • Yan, Q. et al. "Deep-learning-based prediction of late age-related macular degeneration progression." Nat Mach Intell 2, 141–150 (2020).
    • Note: We used the authors' model variant that does not rely on gene data and is trained end-to-end on fundus images.

This work includes code adaptations from

  • scikit-survival: We adapted the Breslow estimator to store the baseline hazard function and survival function and subsequently init the estimator from the saved data.
  • auton-survival: We adapted the CoxPH loss implementation from the authors' code.
  • BagNet (Brendel and Bethge, 2019) and Sparse BagNet (Djoumessi et al., 2023): We adapted the BagNet implementations to survival modelling.
  • Huang et al., 2023: We adapted the data augmentation from the authors' code.


Until the MICCAI 2024 proceedings are published, please cite this preprint:

	author = {Gervelmeyer, Julius and Müller, Sarah and Djoumessi, Kerol and Merle, David and Clark, Simon J and Koch, Lisa and Berens, Philipp},
	title = {Interpretable-by-design Deep Survival Analysis for Disease Progression Modeling},
	year = {2024},
	doi = {10.1101/2024.07.11.24310270},
	URL = {},
	booktitle = {Accepted at Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2024}

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