An auction application that I created with .Net 5 and microservices architecture, where you can bid on products with others.
Product microservice which includes;
- ASP.NET Core Web API application
- REST API principles, CRUD operations
- MongoDB database connection and containerization
- Repository Pattern Implementation
- Swagger Open API implementation
Sourcing microservice whic includes;
- ASP.NET Web API application
- REST API principles, CRUD operations
- MongoDB database connection and containerization
- Repository Pattern Implementation
- Swagger Open API implementation
- ASP.NET gRPC Server application
Microservices Communication
- Sync inter-service gRPC Communication
- Async Microservices Communication with RabbitMQ Message-Broker Service
- Using RabbitMQ Publish/Subscribe Topic Exchange Model
Order Microservice
- Implementing DDD, CQRS, and Clean Architecture with using Best Practices
- Developing CQRS with using MediatR, FluentValidation and AutoMapper packages
- SqlServer database connection and containerization
- Using Entity Framework Core ORM and auto migrate to SqlServer when application startup
API Gateway Ocelot Microservice
- Implement API Gateways with Ocelot
- Sample microservices/containers to reroute through the API Gateways
- Run multiple different API Gateway container types
Docker Compose establishment with all microservices on docker;
- Containerization of microservices
- Containerization of databases
- Override Environment variables
├── ApiGateway
| └── EAuction.ApiGateway
├── Services
│ ├── Common
| | └── EventBustRabbitMQ
| ├── Order
| | ├── EAuction.Order.Application
| | ├── EAuction.Order.Domain
| | ├── EAuction.Order.Infrastructure
| | └── EAuction.Order.Api
│ ├── Product
| | └── EAuction.Products.Api
│ └── Sourcing
| └── EAuction.Sourcing.Api
└── WebApp
├── EAuction.Core
├── EAuction.Infrastructure
└── EAuction.UI
Follow these steps to get your development environment set up: (Before Run Start the Docker Desktop)
At the root directory which include docker-compose.yml files, run below command:
docker-compose up -d --build
You can launch microservices as below urls:
- Product API -> http://localhost:8000/swagger/index.html
- Sourcing API -> http://localhost:8001/swagger/index.html
- Order API -> http://localhost:8002/swagger/index.html
- API Gateway -> http://localhost:5000/