composer require bermudaphp/class-scanner
$routes = new \Bermuda\Routes\Routes;
$scanner = new \Bermuda\ClassScaner\Scanner;
// register a listener that will parse the <Bermuda\Router\Attribute\Route> attribute and register it in the RouteMap
$scanner->listen(new class($routes) implements \Bermuda\ClassScaner\ClassFoundListenerInterface
* @var array<int, array{0:class-string, 1: Route}>
private array $routes = [];
public function __construct(
private readonly RouteMap $map
) {
public function finalize(): void
foreach ($this->routes as $priorityGroup) {
foreach ($priorityGroup as $pair) {
* @var \Bermuda\Router\Route $route
list($handler, $route) = $pair;
$routeRecord = new RouteRecord($route->name, $route->path, $handler);
if ($route->group) {
} else {
if ($route->middleware) $routeRecord->setMiddleware($route->middleware);
if ($route->defaults) $routeRecord->setDefaults($route->defaults);
public function handle(\ReflectionClass $reflector): void
$attribute = $reflector->getAttributes(Route::class)[0] ?? null;
if ($attribute) {
* @var Route $route
$route = $attribute->newInstance();
$this->routes[$route->priority][] = [$reflector->getName(), $route];
// The scan method will find all classes in the scanned directory and pass the ReflectionClass instance
// to the handle method of the registered listeners for each class found.
// After that, the finalize method will be called for each listener