Advanced User Settings
New features available
- Custom Stick Configurations for those that fly mode 1; stick display will now show correctly.
- General Cosmetic Changes;
- Betaflight and Cleanflight logos displayed on header bar; autodetect log version to display correct logo.
- Header popup window is disabled for Cleanflight users (as the information is not held in the log file yet).
- New links on the welcome screen and title has been changed to the Enhanced Blackbox Explorer to distinguish it from the standard viewer.
- Advanced User Dialog Box to allow user to adjust size and position of the overlay icons (craft, sticks and analyser view)
- User configurable stick display,can now display the sticks with throttle % and roll,pitch,yaw in deg/s
- Marker/Measure mode (M key) will now show the time difference directly on the graph when you scroll; also the calculated frequency is displayed to quickly measure noise (for example).
- Log controls now locked to the top of the display so they are visible even if you scroll down the page.
- The multiple log selection and dropdown is now shown in the graph legend for easier selection. (and to prevent it being hidden on lower resolution displays).