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Abhijeet Bhagat's Portfolio v3.0

This is the v3.0 of my profile. The profile is hosted at: Git Hub Pages. v3.0 is React Version of the Porfolio

Git Hub Repo :

Deployed Site Url :

Previous iterations: v2.0

full browser demo gif Main Page full browser Image about me portfolio page

Description :

This is Abhijeet's portfolio. The goal of the project is to build a showcase for my other projects. The v1.0 of this project is built using HTML5 and CSS3 with Bootstrap v4.5

sub goals

While the project's goal is to showcase my profile this project also has several sub goals namely,

  • Learn Bootstrap through actual implementation.
  • Learn Grid system of bootstrap and various other component classes viz. jumbotron, Cards, headers and footers.


  • The portfolio is made simplistic yet elegant.
  • I have not cluttered too many images in the pages thus making it a professional portfolio.
  • The top nav bar consistency is maintained across the pages.
  • The footer is made sticky by design and merges with the color scheme of pages.
  • Overall the color scheme is made consitent.
  • The design is responsive(by Use of bootstrap) and has been tested on various screen sizes.
  • Absolutely no use of media queries.
  • Since the goal of v1.0 was to build using bootstrap hence, I have kept the JavaScript inline. The only purpose of the Inline JavaScript is to animate the text fade-ins and fade-outs on the index page.
  • Use of svg font awesome icons.
  • Use of google fonts to make the design better.

Forking Repo

forking the repo is absolutely fine. If you happen to like the overall scheme and bootstrap implementations's it would be good to give some credit.


  • more projects to be added.
  • Resume pdf navbar menu to be enabled. Currently the RESUME menu is disabled on purpose.
  • Add color scheme details and Grid, Navbar, Card selector's details and how to override them. This will help people who fork.
