My solution has been tested on a Mac running 10.12.6; Mac OS 10.13 should be preferred for running it.
I have been using Ruby 2.5.3 per the .ruby-version
file, although any maintainter-supported version of Ruby should be fine. To install particular Ruby versions, I recommend using RVM or another Ruby version manager; install instructions for those are included in the suggested installation script below. Note that RVM's install process assumes that Homebrew is already installed.
# install RVM
curl -sSL | bash -s stable
source ~/.bash_profile
# install Ruby & its package management tools RubyGems & Bundler
rvm install 2.5.3
rvm use 2.5.3
gem install bundler
# install project dependencies
The CLI tool itself can be run with:
To run the test suite, use:
The specific sub-flavor of ISO-8601 timestamp I used is "2007-11-19T08:37:48-0600".
I'm not in love with my tests -- they're pretty focused on the exact CSV inputs and outputs, and are therefore pretty brittle. They also don't cover nearly as wide a range of cases as I'd ideally cover. I've tried to cover for that by adding additional fixture data (to fixtures/sample-with-broken-fields.csv
) for manual testing purposes.