This Backend has been written in Flask and has been Deployed on Render.
To run the backend application locally:
First install the virtualenv
library from PyPI:
pip install virtualenv
Next, create a virtual environment on python using:
python -m venv env
or as below, depending on the operating system of the user
python3 -m venv env
After creating the virtual environment, run the following to activate the virtual environment:
source env/bin/activate
Upon activating the virtual environment, the user can run the following commands to get the application up and running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 #or python
The application should now be running on the localhost with the default port number of 5000.
The deployment version of the application is a WGSI server which uses the gunicorn
library and it can be run using the command:
gunicorn app:app
Note that the above command will not work on native windows and requires Windows Subsystem For Linux(WSL) in order to work properly