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PredictioR Nextflow Pipeline


The PredictioR Nextflow pipeline is designed to analyze immunotherapy responses and identify biomarkers across various cancers. It utilizes Nextflow for workflow management and Docker for reproducibility, focusing on handling SummarizedExperiment objects for in-depth biomarker analysis.

The script integrates three key analysis steps:

  1. Gene Level Analysis
  2. Signature Level Analysis
  3. Meta Analysis

Software Requirements and Installation Instructions



  • Purpose: Ensures computational reproducibility by containerizing the environment.
  • Installation Guide: Install Docker
  • PredictioR Docker Image:
    docker pull bhklab/nextflow-env

Reference Resources

Data Directory Configuration

Gene Level Analysis

  • Input Data Directory:
    params.gene_data_dir = './ICB_data'
  • Example Data Files: Includes files such as ICB_small_Hugo.rda, ICB_small_Mariathasan.rda, which are SummarizedExperiment objects. These files are located within the ICB_data directory at the bhklab PredictioR data repository.
    • Output Data Directory:
    params.out_dir = './output/main_output'
  • Output Details: The results of the Gene Level Analysis are stored in the main_output directory, stratified by their study ID for clarity and ease of reference.

Signature Level Analysis

  • Input Data Directory:

    params.signature_data_dir = './SIG_data'
  • Example Data Files: Files like CYT_Rooney.rda, EMT_Thompson.rda, PredictIO_Bareche.rda are data frames with columns like:

    • signature_name: Name of the signature
    • gene_name: Name of the gene
    • weight: Weight assigned to each gene within the signature

    To see other columns, these files are also sourced from the bhklab SignatureSets GitHub repository. The .rda files are stored in the object sig as data frames. Please follow the same format for consistency.

  • Output Data Directory:

    params.out_dir = './output/main_output'
  • Output Details: The results of the Signature Level Analysis are stored in the main_output directory, stratified by their study ID for clarity and ease of reference.

Meta Analysis

  • Input Data Directory:
    • The meta-analysis step uses the results from both gene-level and signature-level analyses.
    • Input Directories:
      • Gene level: ./output/main_output
      • Signature level: ./output/main_output
  • Output Data Directory:
    params.out_dir = './output/main_output'

Input Data Specifications

  • ICB Data Information

    This table summarizes each dataset by study and treatment type, along with cancer types, clinical and molecular data availability, and relevant PMID references. Required columns include 'treatment' and 'cancer type'.

    Dataset Patients [#] Cancer type Treatment Clinical endpoints Molecular data PMID
    ICB_small_Hugo 27 Melanoma PD-1/PD-L1 OS RNA 26997480
    ICB_small_Liu 121 Melanoma PD-1/PD-L1 PFS/OS RNA/DNA 31792460
    ICB_small_Miao 33 Kidney PD-1/PD-L1 PFS/OS RNA/DNA 29301960
    ICB_small_Nathanson 24 Melanoma CTLA4 OS RNA/DNA 27956380
    ICB_small_Padron 45 Pancreas PD-1/PD-L1 PFS/OS RNA 35662283
    ICB_small_Riaz 46 Melanoma PD-1/PD-L1 OS RNA/DNA 29033130
    ICB_small_Van_Allen 42 Melanoma CTLA4 PFS/OS RNA/DNA 26359337
    ICB_small_Mariathasan 195 Bladder PD-1/PD-L1 OS RNA/DNA 29443960

    Ensure that clinical data is properly organized with all required and additional fields to ensure the integrity of the analysis.

    • Required Columns:

      • patientid: Unique identifier for patients
      • treatmentid: Details of the treatment regimen
      • response: Patient response to treatment (Responder 'R', Non-responder 'NR')
      • tissueid: Standardized cancer type
      • survival_time_pfs: Time to progression-free survival, Example: 2.6 months
      • survival_time_os: Time to overall survival
      • survival_unit: Measurement units for survival times, typically months
      • event_occurred_pfs: Binary indicator of event occurrence during PFS (1,0)
      • event_occurred_os: Binary indicator of event occurrence during OS (1,0)
    • Additional Recommended Fields: Include sex, age, histo (histological type), stage of cancer, dna, and rna details among others as necessary.

  • Signature Information

    This table summarizes each signature name by study and PMID references, the method for computing the signature score, and the corresponding score function.

    Signature DNA/RNA RNA Type Method Cancer Type Score Function PMID
    ADO_Sidders RNA Count RNA-seq/TPM GSVA Multiple geneSigGSVA 31953314
    APM_Thompson RNA log CPM GSVA Lung, melanoma geneSigGSVA 33028693
    APM_Wang RNA Microarray GSVA Multiple geneSigGSVA 31767055
    Bcell_Budczies RNA Microarray GSVA Lung geneSigGSVA 33520406
    Bcell_Helmink RNA log FPKM GSVA Melanoma, kidney geneSigGSVA 31942075
    Blood_Friedlander RNA Microarray GSVA Melanoma geneSigGSVA 28807052
    C-ECM_Chakravarthy RNA Normalized counts ssGSEA Multiple geneSigssGSEA 30410077
    CCL5-CXCL9_Dangaj RNA GSVA Multiple geneSigGSVA 31185212
    CD39-CD8Tcell_Chow RNA RNA-seq count GSVA Lung geneSigGSVA 36574773

    Required Columns:

    • signature: Name of the signature, same names located in './SIG_data'
    • method: Used for signature score calculation
    • score function: Specifying the function that should be used in the R script

    For detailed information on the signatures used in the pipeline, refer to the signature(there are more than 50) information CSV available at: Signature Information CSV.

Running the Pipeline

Run the pipeline with the configured parameters using Nextflow:

nextflow run

Additional Notes

  • Necessary R packages and dependencies are installed as specified in load_libraries.R and included in the BHK Docker.
  • Customize the nextflow.config file to specify any additional parameters or configurations required for your specific analysis needs


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