Bianco is a modern DOM helpers micro library
Bianco is designed on the following main concepts that I was not able to find in any similar framework so far:
- built in es2015 for es2015 projects
- coded with standards targeting only modern browsers
- modularity, bianco is totally designed in modules. Any bianco helper can be used alone without installing the whole framework
- functional, in bianco we use only pure functions to let you build your software combining them however you want
- size matters, any helper method tries to accomplish a specific functionality with the minimal amount of code
- optimized for tree shacking and for build tools like rollup
- readability & simplicity & elegance of the source code
import { $ } from 'bianco'
// or also
import $ from 'bianco.query'
const coolDivs = $('div').filter(d => d.classList.contains('cool'))
Bianco is build out on the top of many micro DOM helpers.
It's strongly recommended to install only the modules you really need
- DOM events
- bianco.query DOM queries
- bianco.dom-to-array Convert any DOM node/s into arrays
- bianco.images-loader Load images with promises
- bianco.viewport Viewport properties and utils (scrollbar width, scrollTop...)
- bianco.force-reflow Force DOM reflows
- bianco.css CSS helper
- bianco.attr DOM attributes
- bianco.pointer Pointer events helpers
List of the bianco modules to create:
- bianco.query
- bianco.dom-to-array
- bianco.images-loader
- bianco.viewport
- bianco.force-reflow
- bianco.css
- bianco.attr
- bianco.pointer
bianco.cookiesee cookie-js -
bianco.monad or bianco.chain?see ruit -
bianco.streamsee erre -
bianco.animatesee animore -
bianco.ajax(naa.. explain whyfetch
is better) -
bianco.template(why? use es6 template strings instead!)