The Starter-kit has moved to the new BIDS website. Contributors ✨ Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key): Dora Hermes💻 🖋 🤔 👀 🚧 📖 Chris Gorgolewski👀 🚧 🐛 Chris Holdgraf👀 🖋 🚧 Chris Gahnström💻 🖋 🤔 Elizabeth DuPre👀 🚧 🤔 🖋 📖 Utmost Happiness💻 🖋 🤔 Kirstie Whitaker👀 🤔 🚧 🖋 📖 🐛 Patrick Park🤔 🖋 👀 Peer Herholz💻 Cyril Pernet💻 Stefan Appelhoff👀 💻 🖋 🤔 Ilkay Isik🐛 Teon L Brooks🐛 ayab🖋 Remi Gau🖋 Jaap van der Aar💻 🖋 🤔 Giulio Castegnaro💻 🖋 🤔 Franklin Feingold🐛 👀 Thomas Nichols👀 Pieter Vandemaele🐛 Guillaume Flandin👀 🤔 Robert Oostenveld🐛 👀 🤔 Happy🖋 Tal Pal Attia💻 Kay Robbins🤔 🖋 Eduard Klapwijk🤔 Dorien Huijser🤔 Arshitha Basavaraj🤔 Lennart Wittkuhn🤔 Anthony Galassi🤔 💻 Athanasia Monika Mowinckel🤔 💻 Yoni Ashar🤔 dkp🐛 James Kent🤔 Chris Benjamin📖 Isla📖 Chris Markiewicz📖 Ankit Gupta📖 Alex von Lautz📖 Alexandre Hutton📖 Abrren Chen🚧 Gabriel Silveira🐛 💻 nathan liang🐛 This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!