yarn add -D @bigfishtv/prettier-config
echo "module.exports = require('@bigfishtv/prettier-config')" > prettier.config.js
echo "package.json" >> .prettierignore
echo "composer.json" >> .prettierignore
Default (JS) | CSS | PHP1 | |
Print Width | 120 | 200 | 120 |
Semi-colons | N | Y | Y |
Tabs vs Spaces | Spaces | Spaces | Spaces |
Tab Width | 2 | 2 | 4 |
Bracket Same Line | Y | - | - |
Quotes | Single | Single | Single |
Trailing Commas | es5 | - | all2 |
Supported Extensions | * | css, less | php |
- PHP is not yet part of this config, but this is what it will be when it is.
- This might change in future to be "php5.0" - dependent on prettier plugin implementation