Does what it says on the tin. Post cats, dogs, sloths, Taylor Swift, catfacts, pugs etc. to Slack.
cd to the MayContainSloths directory
Run your bot from the command line:
SLACK_TOKEN=tokenhere TWITTER_KEY=twitterkeyhere TWITTER_SECRET=twittersecrethere CAT_TOKEN=cattokenhere ADMIN_SLACKNAME=admin.mcadminface npm start
cd to the MayContainSloths directory
Run your bot from the command line:
docker build -t <namegoeshere>/<botnamegoeshere> .
docker run -p 49160:8080 -d <namegoeshere>/<botnamegoeshere>
You can set all tokens in the Dockerfile, where it says:
ENV NODE_ENV=development SLACK_TOKEN=tokenhere TWITTER_KEY=twitterkeyhere TWITTER_SECRET=twittersecrethere CAT_TOKEN=cattokenhere ADMIN_SLACKNAME=taylor.swift
Slack token can be obtained from Twitter key and secret can be obtained by creating a new app at Cat API key can be requested from
Admin user can be your slack handle - it will let that user remove cats and pugs with the 🙅:skin-tone-2: emoji reaction.