PiSec - A home security system!
The PiSec project is located here!
This android app is used to query your PiSec setup. This app SSHs in to your home network and querys your PiSec home security system setup. Your SSH account is stored using Google's Account API for ease of access/setup. The android app will query your PiSec alarm every 10 mins through SSH. If an alarm is detected, your android phone will alert you!
This is my very first Android app, so please be gentle!
PiSec is a home security system for the RaspberryPi using Java 8 + JavaFX. This was just a fun little project I made to learn the finer points of JavaFX and to poke around the Raspberry Pi (this is my first project with the Raspberry Pi).
PiSec Features:
- Touch Screen GUI with WiFi status
- Comandline access
- Network status query
- Zones
- Alarm e-mail alerts with pictures