Our experimental evaluation of BINSEC/RSE can be reproduced in the bintest
folder. See the bintest/Readme.md
for full details on how to reproduce experiments
and use binsec on your own. Quick summary:
cd bintest
# a shell opens, in this shell, run
./run_all_tests.sh --timeout 120 # 120s is less than in the paper to keep running time reasonable
./dump.py | less
comes for the nix package manager, see bintest/Readme.md
nixos.org to install it.
./test_results contains our raw results in case you don't want to rerun everything.
Folders ./binsec ./libase and ./unisim contain the source code from which the tool is built. They are subject to their individual license.
- ./binsec contains the source code for BINSEC/RSE the symbolic execution engine itself. However, folder ./bintest is still the folder where you will build it.
- ./unisim is a dependency of binsec used to decode armv7 executables.
- ./libase contains ocaml code for the abstract interpretation domains we use (intervals and congruence) to simplify SMT formulas.
Important parts of the code:
The code which drives SE is in binsec/src/sse/sse.ml
- path merging for RSE+ in function do_directive, match branch for reach
- path merging for RSE∀+ in function ite and go
The code which adds a universal quantifier is in binsec/src/formula/formula_transformation.ml in function to_universal
We also provide ways to reproduce a secondary claim: in table 1, we claim that BINSEC/RSE has no false positive with the canary whereas BINSEC vanilla and angr has one.
cd bintest; nix-shell --run "cd synthetic/robust_se/stack_protector/variantes/robust_uncontrolled_canary; ./analyze.sh -fml-universal-mode quantifier -fml-solver z3 -sse-robust-merge yes -sse-robust-mode validation"
says Goal unreachable - BINSEC:
cd bintest; nix-shell --run "cd synthetic/robust_se/stack_protector/variantes/normal; ./analyze.sh"
finds a model. - angr:
cd bintest/synthetic/robust_se/stack_protector/angr; nix-shell --run ./run.py
reaches the target.