Convert VCF files into nexus or fasta formats for use with the BEAST phylonco package
Python 3 with the pysam
package. This can be installed with python3 -m pip install pysam
Example VCF files can be downloaded from
The examples below use the VCF file E15.CellPhy.vcf
Citation for dataset:
Full diploid genotype
Replace <vcf file>
with the path of your VCF, and <nexus file>
with the path of your Nexus file.
python3 src/ <vcf file> <nexus file> --encoding nd16
Example usage:
python3 src/ E15.CellPhy.vcf E15.CellPhy.nex --encoding nd16
Binary genotype
python3 src/ <vcf file> <nexus file> --encoding binary
Example usage:
python3 src/ E15.CellPhy.vcf E15.CellPhy.binary.nex --encoding binary
Full diploid genotype
Replace <vcf file>
with the path of your VCF, and <fasta file>
with the path of your Fasta file.
python3 src/ <vcf file> <fasta file> --encoding nd16
Example usage:
python3 src/ E15.CellPhy.vcf E15.CellPhy.fasta --encoding nd16
Binary genotype
python3 src/ <vcf file> <fasta file> --encoding binary
Example usage:
python3 src/ E15.CellPhy.vcf E15.CellPhy.binary.fasta --encoding binary