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v2.6.0 - IPvGO (5 Mar 2024)

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@Snarling Snarling released this 06 Mar 01:50
· 476 commits to dev since this release

v2.6.0 - IPvGO: 5 Mar 2024


  • A new minigame IPvGO, based on the game Go. Visit DefComm in New Tokyo or the CIA in Sector-12 for access. Documentation for the mechanic is available ingame under "How to Play" once the mechanic is available. (@ficocelliguy)
  • A new BitNode has been added which focuses on the IPvGO mechanic (@ficocelliguy)


  • (Bladeburner) ns.bladeburner.getSkillUpgradeCost now returns infinity if requesting a cost above the maximum skill level (@Semanual)
  • (CodingContract) Fixed an issue where ns.codingcontract.getData was leaking internal arrays when contract data was a 2-d array (@LJNeon)
  • (CodingContract) ns.codingcontract.createDummyContract now returns the filename of the created contract (@Spartelfant)
  • (Gang) Added ns.gang.getInstallResult for determining the effect an augmentation install will have on gang member ascension multipliers (@LJNeon)
  • (Go) Added the ns.go API, which allows interaction with the new IPvGO mechanic. While this is in development, the API may undergo changes (@ficocelliguy)
  • (Hashnet) Fixed a bug that allowed spending negative hashes (@yichizhng)
  • (Ports) Added ns.nextPortWrite, which allows waiting for the next write to a port without creating a port handle object (@LJNeon)
  • (Ports) Ports now support all clonable data (@LJNeon)
  • (Singularity) Add type information for ns.singularity.getCurrentWork return value (@Semanual)
  • (Stanek) Fix ns.stanek.acceptGift which was not working in 2.5.2 (@jjclark1982)
  • ns.getPlayer now also provides the player's karma. ns.heart.break is no longer a hidden function (@LJNeon)
  • ns.atExit can be provided a string id as a second parameter, to set multiple atExit callbacks for the same script (@shyguy1412)
  • Improved the efficiency and accuracy of growth formulas (@d0sboots)
  • ns.formatNumber now throws an error if specifying a suffixStart less than 1000 (@TheAimMan)
  • HGWOptions now accepts a non-integer number of threads (@Caldwell-74)
  • Fixed outdated docs for ns.spawn() (@adeilt)
  • Fixed ns.serverExists returning incorrect value for an endgame server (@cigarmemr)
  • Refactored weaken effect calculation (@Caldwell-74)


  • (Augmentations) Fixed some missing description text for Hacknet multipliers (@jjclark1982)
  • (Corporation) Align columns correctly in warehouse breakdown table (@jjclark1982)
  • (Corporation) Several typo fixes in Corporation modals (@cigarmemr)
  • (Documentation) Ingame documentation now displays line breaks inside tables correctly (@Snarling)
  • (Documentation) Added a documentation page for converting .script to .js (@LJNeon, @jjclark1982, @Snarling)
  • (Documentation) Script editor doc button points to correct docs (@LJNeon)
  • (Hashnet) Hash upgrade descriptions use proper number formatting options (@Snarling)
  • (Hacknet) Hacknet display shows a dynamic amount of columns based on screen width (@shyguy1412)
  • (Infiltration) Changed how the CheatCodeGame is displayed (@alutman, @Snarling)
  • (Infiltration) If currently performing faction work, UI defaults to trading info for rep with that faction (@LJNeon)
  • (Sleeve) If intelligence is unlocked, sleeve intelligence is shown in the UI (@Caldwell-74)
  • (Stockmarket) Changed color of stocks increasing in value (@Semanual)
  • (Terminal) Improved scroll behavior on the Terminal (@Snarling)
  • (Theme) Added 3 new theme elements to properly support light themes (@adeilt)
  • Added a tail render interval setting, changing how frequently tail windows redraw their contents (@Caldwell-74)
  • Reorganization of some content and sorting of scripts on the Active Scripts page (@Snarling, @TheAimMan)
  • "Disable Text Effects" option also disables the corrupted text display (@draughtnyan)
  • fl1ght.exe now displays the related requirements in a more readable way (@TheAimMan, @LJNeon)
  • Miscellaneous wording fixes (@cigarmemr)


  • (CodingContract) Improve parsing of player input for arrays in coding contracts (@rocket3989)
  • (Corporation) Fix an incorrect demand range for Minerals (@catloversg)
  • (Corporation) Added ingame documentation (@catloversg)
  • (Corporation) Divisions impact on corporation valuation is now based on number of offices and warehouses (@catloversg)
  • (Corporation) Improve performance of calculations (@catloversg)
  • (Bladeburner) Band-aid fix Blops count and action stopping (@Caldwell-74)
  • (Gang) Add separate money tracking for gang expenses (@deansvendsen)
  • (Ports) Port objects no longer track a separate promise for every use of nextWrite (@Snarling)
  • (Ports) Fixed a crashing bug related to the changes above (@Jman420)
  • (RemoteAPI) Remote API can be targeted to a remote device instead of the default of localhost (@Specker)
  • (RemoteAPI) Added a getAllServers method (@shyguy1412)
  • (ScriptEditor) When importing from other files that are also open in the editor, type information is now available in the IDE (@shyguy1412)
  • (ScriptEditor) Links from "ls" are now tied to that host, instead of your connected machine (@LJNeon)
  • (ScriptEditor) Script "models" in the script editor are now properly disposed (@Caldwell-74)
  • (Terminal) Add --ram-override flag to the run command (@LJNeon)
  • (Terminal) Fix incorrect help text for rm command (@LJNeon)
  • Add a helper for clamping numbers to an allowable range, and use this for player skill formulas (@Caldwell-74)
  • Protect against renaming servers to invalid names (@LJNeon)
  • All running scripts are killed upon entering the BitVerse (@LJNeon)
  • Scripts with the "temporary" flag set do not populate the Recently Killed script list on script death (@TheAimMan)
  • Fix an issue with offline income for scripts (@Caldwell-74)
  • Various "nextUpdate" promises are not tracked internally as a single promise instead of an array of promises (@Caldwell-74, @LJNeon)
  • Fix inconsistent importing of the arg library (@catloversg)
  • Clarify some information in the file (@deansvendsen)
  • Internal changes to method used for cloning objects (@LJNeon)
  • Rearrange some internal constants (@Caldwell-74)
  • b1t_flum3.exe can be ran in "quick" mode (@TheAimMan)
  • Nerf noodle bar (various)
  • Nerf noodle bar moar (@Caldwell-74)