This is the new version of the Bittorium block explorer, network status and pool lists. an online version is available here :
To devellop locally : you can spawn a local webserver and use and allow CORS (Cross origin ressource sharing) in your browser
- Safari : Show development menu in menubar and disable multi origin restrictions
- Chrome :
- network stats
- total emission with percentage
- total transactions
- show tx in mempool
- tx in mempool detail
- show last found blocks
- price in usd/eur/btc
- small difficulty graph for last 31 blocks
- search field for blk or tx
- search by payment ID
- add nodes status/versions
- remove url variable
- search field
- search by payment ID
- last 31 blocks list
- load more
- next/previous page
block detail
- show block detail
- modal window
- next/previous block
tx detail
- show tx detail
- modal window
- pools list
- overall stats
- country flags
- country hover link
- order by hashrate/miners...
- map of pools (geoip)
- Difficulty graph
- emission graph vs theorical
- tx graphs
- "Zawy" look graph
world map