A PHP template library for bootstrapping a library project, edit contents to your preferred style. Fel free to fork and make your own recipe.
This project requires PHP 7.4 or higher. The recommended way to install, is via Composer. Simply run:
PHP 8.0 or newer is required. The recommended way to install, is by using Composer. Simply run:
$ composer require biurad/php-starter
Write a bit of How To use this package, so developers can have a bit of idea about how it works before checking out documentation.
In-depth documentation on how to use this library can be found at docs.biurad.com. It is also recommended to browse through unit tests in the tests directory.
If this library made it into your project, or you interested in supporting us, please consider [donating][4] to support future development.
- [Divine Niiquaye Ibok][5] is the author this library.
- [All Contributors][6] who contributed to this project.
This project adheres to a code of conduct. By participating in this project and its community, you are expected to uphold this code.
Starter Template is completely free and released under the BSD 3 License.