This release is in line with Bootstrap 3.3.5.
This package contains only the less files of bootstrap. It can be used when compiling bootstrap from source using less.
This repository is about 607 kb.
npm install bootstrap-less
This package should be added to your less paths
paths: [
Then bootstrap can be included in any less file.
@import "bootstrap/index";
Or individual files can be imported instead of the index.
@import "bootstrap/grid";
@import "bootstrap/affix";
@import "bootstrap/dropdowns";
The javascript is included in the js
To use it in your client install it using jspm.
jspm install bootstrap-less
Include all scripts by using the compiled version which includes all the javascript.
import "bootstrap-less";
Or include individual scripts if only some are needed.
import "bootstrap-less/js/affix";
import "bootstrap-less/js/dropdowns";