An Android Plugin for Serial Communication which allow you to read and write the data through the available ports The supported features are:
- Listing the available serial ports on the device, including USB to serial adapters
- Configuring serial ports (baud rate, stop bits, permission, ...)
- Providing standard InputStream and OutputStream
This PlugIn enables the communication with the USB RS232 RS485 UART
Supported platforms:
- Android
In order to completely understand you can view our sample video in which we are using an android Lcm module. Click the image below to watch the video:
Add a dependency to your pubspec.yaml
serial_communication: 0.0.2
include the usbserial package at the top of your dart file.
import 'package:serial_communication/serial_communication.dart';
If you encounter any issues please refer to the API docs and the sample code in the example
directory before opening a request on Github.
The example
directory has a sample application that demonstrates the features of this plugin.
The first step is to call the startSerial() method and subscribe the
startSerial method will open the transaction stream
SerialCommunication serialCommunication = SerialCommunication();
void initState() {
void _updateConnectionStatus(SerialResponse? result) async {
logData = result!.logChannel ?? "";
receivedData = result.readChannel ?? "";
By calling the startSerial() it will provide you with the SerialResponse in the form of stream data
In Serial Response you will get the following type
1) Log Channel (type:String)
2) Read Channel (type:String)
Log Channel: In the log channel you wll get the repsone when you open any port ,close any port , transmit data (TX).
Read Channel: In the Read channel you wll get the Recived data (RX)
The getAvailablePorts() method will return you all the
available ports on a device
serialList = await serialCommunication.getAvailablePorts();
openPort method will open the serial communication Its has 3 required parameter { DataFormat dataFormat, String serialPort, int baudRate }
dataFormat: DataFormat.ASCII,
serialPort: serialList.first,
baudRate: serialCommunication.baudRateList.first)
closePort method will close the port if you have opened any port
sendCommand method will send your message Its has 1 required parameter {String message}
serialCommunication.sendCommand(message: "message");
clearLog method will clear the Log channel clearRead method will clear the Read channel
destroy method will eliminate the resources
void dispose() {
Baud Rate To get the Standard baud rates list call the
it will return the integer list of standard baud rate -
Data Format The Data format is used to convert the data type To pass the data format in the open() method parameter For ascii format call the
For hex_String format call the
Any help from the open-source community is always welcome and needed:
Found an issue?
- Please fill a bug report with details.
Wish a feature?
- Open a feature request with use cases.
Are you using and liking the project?
- Promote the project: create an article, do a post or make a donation.
Are you a developer?
- Fix a bug and send a pull request.
- Implement a new feature.
- Improve the Unit Tests.
Have you already helped in any way?
- Many thanks from me, the contributors and everybody that uses this project!