- 👀 I’m interested in coding and solving DSA problems.
- LeetCode, GFG
- 🌱 I’m currently learning MERN Stack and DSA.
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate for Projects.
- 📫 How to reach me Portfolio
- Handle requirements from the product and business side. Breaking down problems, gauging impact and identifying the tradeoffs by accounting for resources, creating implementation docs, and managing timelines. End to end delivery of the tasks.
- Developed BOM Management Solutions for efficient electronic component quoting
- Created BOM creation and component addition features using React and Node.js
- Utilized MongoDB for database management
- Implemented a vendor portal to streamline product quotation submission, reducing communication overhead.
- Developed an automated system for purchase order generation, minimizing manual intervention in procurement workflows.
- Built with React, Node.js, and MongoDB, contributing as a full-stack developer.
- Ensured responsive web design and optimized the application for different screen sizes.
- Developed a sales procurement dashboard using React, Node.js, and MongoDB.
- Contributed as a full-stack developer, working with both frontend and backend technologies.