This would be like a jump host to perform mass config runs and such. Use as a command line with all your favorite tools installed for dev/admin/eng.
- Get a command line
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) --entrypoint bash syseng:latest
- For Ansible
# docker run --rm \
# -it \
# -v ${PWD}/hosts:/etc/ansible/hosts \
# -v ${PWD}/ansible.cfg:/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg \
# -v ${HOME}/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro \
# ansible all -m ping
- For inspec
- Ansible
- Inspec
- Terraform
- Packer
- OpenTofu
- Powershell
I just thought it might be useful to have. That is a linux version of powershell.  Start the container and run pwsh to get a powershell command line. I'm thinking that maybe that gets its own container so that the libraries can be installed, or maybe just in this container I may remove it entirely since you cannot manage a windows box from a linux version of Powershell. No wmi commands... Although you can use ssh with it.
- command history
- fzf, exa/eza, etc
- tldr, tealdeer, man pages, other docs
Build the container
docker build --tag syseng:latest .