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Andy Kawa edited this page Apr 29, 2019 · 12 revisions


Before running agt, first install the required dependencies. Agt Compatibility & Dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Also, you are required to install python3-texttable dependency.

sudo apt install python3-texttable


Usage: ./agt command [options]

       search                   search repositories.
       show                     show repository details.
       clone                    clone repositories.

      Usage: ./agt search query [options]
      query                     query string to search.
      -t, --topic               Search by topic.
      -s, --sort                Choose sort type to sort results. **Allowed values are [stars, forks, updated]**
      -o, --order               Choose order type to order results. **Allowed values are [asc, desc]**
      -c, --clone               clone repository.
      -r, --results             results list per page.
      -p, --page                page number to read results from.

      Usage: ./agt show query [options]

      query                     full name of the repository i.e: **owner/repository_name** e.g: **bl4ckbo7/agt**
      -r, --readme              render readme document on the terminal.
      -c, --clone               clone this repository.

      Usage: ./agt clone [-f FILE | -l REPOLIST[REPOLIST...]]

      -f, --file                 path to text file with list of repositories. (Enter absolute path or relative path)
      -l, --list                 enter a list of full names of repositories. Example: **bl4ckbo7/agt bl4ckbo7/caesar-cipher subfinder/subfinder**

   Optional arguments:
      Usage: ./agt [options]

      -h, --help                 shows help message and exit.
      -v, --version              shows program's version and exit.


How multi-cloning through file input works?

This repository comes with sample text file (test.txt) to test multiple cloning feature through file input.

./agt clone -f test.txt


   OUTPUT_DIR = '~/.agt/clones/'          the default directory where agt clones into.
   TEMP_DIR = '~/.agt/temp/'              the default temp directory for agt.
   RESULTS_PER_PAGE = '32'                the total results agt displays on terminal.
   DEFAULT_PAGE_NUMBER = '1'              the page number agt pulls results from.
   QUERY_TYPE = 'DEFAULT'                 normal, opposite to querying topic name | Choices: TOPIC, DEFAULT
   SORT_FILTER = ''                       best match | Choices: stars, forks, updated
   ORDER_FILTER = 'desc'                  filter results in descending order | Choices: asc, desc

These configurations can be modified anytime by editing the core/ file.

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