Bieber Tweets application
- Connect to the Twitter Streaming API
- Use the following values(See in project):
- The app name will be
- You will need to login with Twitter
- Filter messages that track on "bieber"
- Retrieve the incoming messages for 30 seconds or up to 100 messages, whichever comes first
- Your application should return the messages grouped by user (users sorted chronologically, ascending)
- The messages per user should also be sorted chronologically, ascending
- For each message, we will need the following:
- The message ID
- The creation date of the message as epoch value
- The text of the message
- The author of the message
- For each author, we will need the following:
- The user ID
- The creation date of the user as epoch value
- The name of the user
- The screen name of the user
- All the above infomation is provided in either SDTOUT or a log file
- You are free to choose the output format, provided that it makes it easy to parse and process by a machine
This application can be executed in docker.
Docker Configuration:
- It's mandatory to have a Docker Server in local(
- Define in the host-system a log folder(In this, the application will save the log file generated).
- Example: /home/bieber-tweets/logs/
- In the proyect root, in the same level of the Dockerfile, build the image with the following instruction:
- mvn clean install -Plocal
- Execute container with the following instruction:
- docker run -v /home/bieber-tweets/logs/:/tmp -d --name bieber-tweets com.blecua84/bieber-tweets
- It'll execute a container with a volume, mapping the host-system folder with the container folder log defined in, in the project.
- The log file will generated in the host-system folder defined.