Dawn / OpenXR interop library.
Adds a dawn platform to OpenXR that should work the same as the existing D3D12, Vulkan etc platforms.
Must be used with the 'openxr-dev' branch of this fork of dawn: https://github.com/blitz-research/dawn
Steals the D3D11 platform type defines.
Uses the webgpu dawn c++ wrappers.
Only supports D3D12 and Vulkan.
Only tested on Windows.
namespace dawnxr {
// Mirrors the XrGraphicsBindingD3D12KHR etc structs.
struct GraphicsBindingDawn {
const void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next = nullptr;
wgpu::Device device;
// Mirrors the XrSwapchainImageD3D12KHR etc structs.
struct SwapchainImageDawn {
void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next = nullptr;
wgpu::TextureView textureView;
// Mirrors the XrGraphicsRequirementsD3D12KHR etc structs.
struct GraphicsRequirementsDawn {
void* XR_MAY_ALIAS next = nullptr;
// Gets dawn graphics requirements for a given backend type. Currently just dumps backend requirements to stdout.
XrResult getGraphicsRequirements(XrInstance instance, XrSystemId systemId, wgpu::BackendType backendType,
GraphicsRequirementsDawn* graphicsRequirements);
// Creates a dawn::native::AdapterDiscoveryOptionsBase subclass instance for a given backend type.
XrResult createOpenXRConfig(XrInstance instance, XrSystemId systemId, wgpu::BackendType backendType, void** config);
// Use this instead of xrCreateSession
XrResult createSession(XrInstance instance, const XrSessionCreateInfo* createInfo, XrSession* session);
// Use this instead of xrDestroySession
XrResult destroySession(XrSession session);
// Use this instead of xrEnumerateSwapchainFormats
XrResult enumerateSwapchainFormats(XrSession session, uint32_t formatCapacityInput, uint32_t* formatCountOutput,
int64_t* formats);
// Use this instead of xrCreateSwapChain
XrResult createSwapchain(XrSession session, const XrSwapchainCreateInfo* createInfo, XrSwapchain* swapchain);
// Use this instead of xrDestroySwapChain
XrResult destroySwapchain(XrSwapchain swapchain);
// Use this instead of xrEnumerateSwapchainImages
XrResult enumerateSwapchainImages(XrSwapchain swapchain, uint32_t imageCapacityInput, uint32_t* imageCountOutput,
XrSwapchainImageBaseHeader* images);
} // namespace dawnxr
To create an XR compatible Vulkan dawn device (a D3D12 dawn device should just work 'as is' with the above functions):
wgpu::Device createXRCompatibleDevice(wgpu::BackendType backendType) {
WB_ASSERT(backendType==wgpu::BackendType::D3D12 || backendType==wgpu::BackendType::Vulkan);
if (XR_FAILED(createXrInstance())) return {};
wgpu::RequestAdapterOptions adapterOpts{};
dawn::native::vulkan::RequestAdapterOptionsOpenXRConfig adapterOptsXRConfig{};
adapterOpts.backendType = backendType;
// Don't need this for D3D12.
if(backendType == wgpu::BackendType::Vulkan) {
dawnxr::createOpenXRConfig(getXrInstance(), getXrSystemId(), backendType, (void**)&adapterOptsXRConfig.openXRConfig);
adapterOpts.nextInChain = &adapterOptsXRConfig;
auto adapters = wgpuInstance->EnumerateAdapters(&adapterOpts);
auto device = adapters.front().CreateDevice();
return device;