This is a Rust reimplementation of my orginal Python version, found here CC Date. Made to be an executable with the addition of the Interactive (REPL) Tool.
- String - !1234 ABC 123
- Digits - (1234, 0, 1, 2, 123)
- Decimal - 21688812123
Cosmic Critters (CC) format is: !YYYY MMM DDD
, !0-inf A-Z*3 0-999
It's unknown what CC Dates represent. Year, Month & Day are placeholders.
- String is in CC format
- Digits is the letters converted to their place in the alphabet
- Decimal is the date converted down to Days/base10
--help (-h) [Default]
Shows this.
--repl (-r)
Lanches an Interactive Tool.
--string (-s) <date:(str or array[i32;5] or i64 int)>
Converts a given date into String format.
--decimal (-de) <date:(str or array[i32;5] or i64 int)>
Converts a given date into Decimal format.
--digits (-di) <date:(str or array[i32;5] or i64 int)>
Converts a given date into Digits format.
--math (-m) <operation: add (+) | sub (-)> <date:(str or array[i32;5] or i64 int)> ...
Lets you Add & Sub any number of dates.
--valid (-v) <type: all | string | decimal | digits>
Shows all the vaild formts of the given Type.
Interactive (REPL) Tool:
help - Shows this help
usage - Shows Tool usage examples
quit/exit - Closes Tool
clear/cls - Clears Screen
var/vars - Shows all created Variables
string - Shows all Vaild String formats
digits - Shows all Vaild Digits formats
decimal - Shows all Vaild Decimal formats
all - Shows all the above type
string - Returns following value/s in string format
digits - Returns following value/s in digits format
decimal - Returns following value/s in decimal format
add - Adds all following values
sub - Subs all following values
ans - Shows the last resault. Used if no values are given before Operators.
Can also be used as variable
[date] - If a valid Date is given by its self, then that Date in string format will be returned
[var] - If a valid Variable is given by its self, then that Variable in string format will be returned
= - Creates/Changes Variables. Variables can be used as a vaild date.
+ - Adds left & right values
- - Subs left & right values
string 123 123AbC456 '123 aBc 456'
123 -> !0 AAA 123
123AbC456 -> !123 ABC 456
'123 aBc 456' -> !123 ABC 456
digits 123 123AbC456 '123 aBc 456'
123 -> [0, 0, 0, 0, 123]
123AbC456 -> [123, 0, 1, 2, 456]
123 aBc 456 -> [123, 0, 1, 2, 456]
decimal 123 123AbC456 '123 aBc 456'
123 -> 123
123AbC456 -> 2161876456
123 aBc 456 -> 2161876456
add 123 123AbC456 '123 aBc 456'
!246 ACF 35
sub 123 123AbC456 '123 aBc 456'
Negive numbers aren't supported as a valid Date rn.
'123 abc 456' + 987efd654
!1110 EGG 110
"3 i 999"-568
!3 AAI 431
!3 AAI 431
d1 = ans
!3 AAI 4311
The saved arguments are:
{"ans": 52736431, "d1": 52736431}
If you don't want to use the provided binaries or don't use Windows.
You can Compile the program by doing the folllowing:
- Download & Install Rust from the instrution here
- Open cmd/terminal to the root dirctory
- Run
cargo build --release
for standard Release Build (recommned) - Run
cargo build
for standard Debug Build - Your exe can now be found in
./CC_Date_Rust/target/[build type]