Niftnory GraphiQL Explorer
This app uses a few environment variables which are required for development. The production build uses values directly present in index.html serving this app.
We use dotenv for setting environment variables for development. Create a .env
file in the root directory (wherever package.json is) and set the following values. Replace accordingly for testing.
# Build the image
docker build -t niftnory-explorer:local .
# Start a container
docker run --name niftnory-explorer --env-file .env -p 8080:8080 -d niftnory-explorer:local
# Get container ID
docker ps -aqf "name=^niftnory-explorer$"
# Print app output
docker logs -f niftnory-explorer
# Stop, start, restart, kill
docker stop niftnory-explorer
docker start niftnory-explorer
docker restart niftnory-explorer
docker kill niftnory-explorer
Read the contributing guidelines for details.
This project is a fork of hasura/graphiql-online
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